Happy Doctor’s Day! Tomorrow is Doctor’s Day. So I want to take this opportunity to talk about an essential but oft ignored aspect of health and wellbeing: sleep. I am…
Yog is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means to connect and integrate with the universe around. The idea behind practicing ‘Yog’ popularly called ‘Yoga’ is to integrate the…
For more information, read my blog on Time Management here: bit.ly/3ruWrVt 6
At some point in our life, we may have had too many things to do and very little time for them. This may make us feel uncomfortable, and we may…
How many of us are aware that there is an International Day of Families? Isn’t it amazing to know that the UN has declared a day to create awareness on…
To know more, visit my earlier blogpost on Resilience and Coping with Stress here.
Sustainable Development Goals! Everybody is talking about it, but what does it really mean? Let’s take a couple of minutes to know what Sustainable Development Goals are all about. Sustainable…