‘On Children’ by Kahlil Gibran

12 thoughts on “‘On Children’ by Kahlil Gibran

  1. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful verse which brings out the essence of parenting and positive grooming.

  2. Wonderful thought shared . As a teacher and a parent, I understand that our duty lies in mentoring children in the right direction without creating obstacles for them. Thank you for reminding and guiding us in the right direction.

  3. Beautiful lines … Thank you for sharing the post and reminding us about the true essence of life.

  4. In today’s time doesn’t matter your child is son or daughter just give them wings of freedom that would easy for choosing their future herself or himself

  5. Beautiful!
    As parents we consistently struggle to find a balance, particularly when the going is ‘not so good’.
    Dr Alka, please share your thoughts on how to cope with a situation when our kids are facing a tough situation – and maintain our own inner calmness. It will benefit a lot of us

  6. I really appreciate this poem..
    We all feel we know better than our children because we have more experience but they have exposure, the future belongs to them ..
    let them leave the nest and do wonders in the world.

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