At-Home Winter Activities

13 thoughts on “At-Home Winter Activities

  1. If the little ones were reading this, I’m sure they would be thanking you. What’s more fun than parents playing games and including them in ‘grown up’ tasks!

  2. wonderful ideas,Alka….and children do enjoy these activities…creating memories for a lifetime…l remember my children going crazy making mathris with their amma…enjoying cutting them with cookie cutters…to create magical mathris…..

  3. Yes, it is a challenge to keep kids occupied indoors meaningfully.. it is so easy to let them indulge in screen time!

    Some of the things which work for my family are to keep a week for finding things in the house which we want to donate. Only thing is that they should be working, not torn, are clean and will look and feel like a gift.
    Another thing which works is that the kids adopt 2-3 plants each and look after them. It brings a sense of responsibility and community feeling!

  4. Thank you ma’am for sharing such wonderful ideas. Children like having fun and when the elders are along with them, then they enjoy manifolds.

  5. Thanks for sharing..Very Interesting activities for children at home. Now a days parents are struggling to reduce the screen time for children..these activities will really help children.

  6. Such an important topic.
    Daily chores is my favourite one. Even my son with special needs learnt it early and enjoys doing them with me

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